Tuesday, September 29, 2015
What Must We Do?
I seem to be apologizing a lot lately, but again I am sorry. I know today is Tuesday and I said I would be here Monday. My life seems to be in a small twister lately. But rest assured, you are important to me.
So we talked about imitating Jesus and his love for righteousness. He also had a love for people. That is why his ministry was food for him. Despite his tiredness and hunger he made sure they were spiritually fed. Said of him:
"On seeing the crowds, he felt pity for them, because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd." Matthew 9:36.
And his message prepared them for the fast approaching destruction of Jerusalem. Something that they could not conceive of happening. So they, the honest hearted then, also had to prepare themselves by making some changes.
Yes, they were doing good to follow the Christ and listen to his words, but that wasn't enough.
Would you become a patient of a doctor who only went to class, although he got all 'A's? Would you not want him to have some work experience too?
Is Christianity only about reciting words? ... I know, of course not!
However, can we pick and choose what we want to adhere to and still be considered Christians?
Would you hire someone for your business who had their own ideas on how it was supposed to be run? Would you not suggest that they get their own business? And then would you support theirs knowing that they were doing it in opposition to you?
It is the same with Christianity. Jesus set the pattern. Any in conflict are Christians in name only. Christians wear the new personality mentioned in Ephesians 4:22-24:
"You were taught to put away the old personality that conforms to your former course of conduct and that is being corrupted according to its deceptive desires. And you should continue to be made new in your dominant mental attitude, and should put on the new personality that was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty."
The 'old personality' is composed of the works of the flesh mentoned in Galatians 5:19-21. As a person follows Christ he makes spiritual progress, he gradually gains mystery over undesirable traits.
Interested in what they are:-? ... please read.
Sounds hard? ... maybe a bit? ... Is anything worth having an easy breezy cakewalk?
As we cultivate godly qualities, others are likely to see that you are 'walking by God's spirit' and displaying it's fruitage. Galatians 5:16, 22-25. This is God's requirement for those who want to imitate Christ, His Son.
Time that we ask ourselves some pertinent questions: How are we doing with the 'fruitages of the spirit' in our relationship with our family, friends, neighbors, etc.?
Are we lenient when it comes to strangers, they get the royal treatment, but we expect our family members to understand what we have to go through on a daily basis, so we pull the short end of the straw for them?
Does that endear us to them or vice versa?
Alright my toes are a little sore...I must stop and massage them a bit.
I'll be back:-)
Friday, September 25, 2015
How Does One Prove Themselves Ready?
I am sorry for the delay. Please forgive me.
Okay...here's a scripture to begin today's blog:
"The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much." Zephaniah 1:14.
This is great news and bad news at the same time. Like final exams, but with an open book. You can pass with flying colors because of your intense past study habits or you can pass with flying colors because you are now aware and you will begin to cram.
How do we start to "prove yourselves ready"? Matt. 24:44.
Well, the main way is by imitating Jesus. Said of him:
"You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness."
Hebrews 1:9.
This is no small thing. Can you imagine surviving into a new cleansed earth and trying to bring with you porn, violent video games, degrading music?
We have to develop now a hatred of bad, not a mere dislike. Because if we do survive and don't hate bad, when resurrected ones arrive back on the scene with old habits...you see where we are going?
It would be only a short time before God would remove the bad elements. The final war means no more returning to a wicked state, as in the days of Noah.
And because Jesus loved his heavenly Father, he maintained integrity to him. If we develop a similar love for our Creator and live up to his requirements, our God will safeguard us.
Psalm 31:23 states:
"Love Jehovah, all you who are loyal to him! Jehovah protects the faithful, but he repays exceedingly anyone showing haughtiness."
Love and obedience will help us to be ready for the great day of Jehovah.
That went fast, but how about we just chew on this today? Let those of us who don't already hate bad learn to do so and to love righteousness.
That's a good beginning to how to "prove yourselves ready" don't you think? I hope you do :-)
Back here Monday to continue?
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
2 Peter 3:10 continued...
So we have taken in a lot about the understanding of
2 Peter 3:10-12.
Do we have to be afraid of a literal destruction of our earth? No. Just like in Noah's days, survivors will remain here.
However, there will be supernatural developments in our physical heavens to show that Jehovah and his Son are about to begin their epic battle in behalf of he righteous. This will occur after the cry of "Peace and Security!" 1 Thessalonians 5:3.
We have talked about that before, but it doesn't hurt to review:-)
Remember these words?
Following the proclamation of 'Peace and security!' political elements of Satan's system will suddenly turn on false religion and wipe it out. Never will she be seen again! Rev. 18:8, 10.
No more hypocrisy in worship to God!
So now 2 Peter 3:11, 12 goes on to say:
"Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, consider what sort of people you ought to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, as you await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah."
Actions are necessary? Isn't exercising faith enough?"
Let's discuss it and the supernatural phenomenon Friday.
Monday, September 21, 2015
"The Earth and the works in it will be Exposed"
So the "earth and the works in it will be exposed." 2 Peter 3:10.
Well...the earth has works, as if in the growth of vegetation? Would that be bad? ... Or growth as in mold...yes that is bad, but is this to be taken literally?
Let's consider Genesis 11:1:
"Now all the earth continued to be of one language and of one set of words."
You already see the answer don't you? ... Who speak words? ... People, of course.
So the "earth" represents the world of mankind alienated from God. Such a world existed in Noah's day and, by divine decree, ended with the Flood. 2 Peter 3:7.
Whereas, the Flood destroyed the ungodly all at one time, the coming destruction will occur in stages during "the great tribulation." Revelation 7:14.
In the first phase of that tribulation, God will move the political rulers of this world to destroy false religion, called "Babylon the Great," thus showing his contempt for this religious harlot, as we have already discussed. Revelation 17:5, 16, 18:8.
However, the final phase of this great tribulation will be performed by Jehovah, using His faithful Son Jesus Christ, as the administrator of His Justice. Revelation 16:14, 16; 19:19-21.
But during the great tribulation, Jehovah will lay bare Satan's world, exposing it as being against Him and His Kingdom, thus deserving of destruction--Why the words "and the works in it will be discovered," since the word "discovered" can also be rendered "found out" or "laid bare."
Stated Isaiah 26:21 prophetically of this time:
"For look! Jehovah is coming from his place to call the inhabitants of the land to account for their error, and the land will expose her bloodshed and will no longer cover over her slain."
During Jehovah’s day, those who have been molded by the world and it's evil spirit will display their true nature, even slaughtering one another. In fact, it could well be that the numerous forms of violent entertainment popular today is training or conditioning of the minds of many for the time when each man's hand "will come against the hand of his companion." Zechariah 14:13.
Does this not show the value of rejecting, movies, books, video games, etc. that may breed within us traits that God despises, such as pride and the love of violence? 2 Sam. 22:28; Ps. 11:5.
Should we not now cultivate the fruitage of God's holy spirit--love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control? Gal. 5:22, 23.
For these are the qualities that the survivors of this destruction will possess. These ones will make up the "new earth," that we will discuss.
This was some lesson, huh? A lot to chew on?... Okay, Wednesday we will recap, alright?
Friday, September 18, 2015
The heavens destroyed in flames?
So today we are here to discuss the meaning of 2 Peter 3:10:
"But Jehovah's day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be exposed."
Hummm....what is this all about? With natural disasters occurring worldwide is this to be taken literally?
Where there is a contradiction there is untruth. And "God's word is truth." John 17:17
If you have been a regular reader of these posts you may remember this scripture:
"A generation is going, and a generation is coming, but the earth remains forever." Eccl. 1:4.
Based upon this scripture alone we need not fear a literal fulfillment of verse 2 Peter 3:12:
"As you await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah, through which the heavens will be destroyed in flames and the elements will melt in the intense heat!"
Thank goodness, right?
So what Does it mean?
When used symbolically in the Bible, the term "heavens" often refers to ruling powers, which are elevated above their subjects. Isa. 14:13, 14; Rev.21:1, 2.
"The heavens [that] will pass away" represent human
rule over ungodly society. Their passing away with a loud "hissing noise"--or "a mighty roar," according to another rendering--may indicate the swift annihilation of these heavens.
Then what does the earth represent?
Be here Monday :-) ... In the meantime, why not look up the verses to examine them yourselves. You can even run the marginal references.
So again until Monday ... at least for this subject :-)
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
What is the Future for the earth
So here we are wanting to know why things are going to get difficult worldwide.
2 Peter 3:10 describes the future world situation:
"But Jehovah's day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be exposed."
Just what are "the heavens" and the "earth" here mentioned? And "the elements" being dissolved mean what? Then Peter says "the earth and the works in it will be discovered. What does that mean?
Knowing the answers will help us be prepared or help us to "keep awake" for the fear-inspiring events that will occur in the near future.
Let's start Friday with what the Bible means when it speaks of "the heavens" and "the earth." Are these to be taken literally?
Monday, September 14, 2015
World Peace...When
Hi...if you are back with us from Friday, it's to continue discussing the cry of "Peace and security!" mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3.
If we are not to be caught off guard by this declaration, we need to "stay awake and keep our senses, " as verse 6 of the same chapter states. To help us be awake and then to stay awake we should understand what leads up to this noteworthy proclamation.
Okay, we are aware of the world's strong desire for peace in the wake of World War I and II.
That is why the League of Nations was first formed, to establish peace worldwide, but then World War II showed that it was not capable of attaining this desired peace. Thus the reason for the United Nations. Government and religious leaders have looked to both those agencies to bring peace to mankind.
Take for example. . . 1986.
Wasn't that year designated the International Year of Peace?
Many gathered to offer prayers for peace. . .Was that the cry of 1 Thessalonians? . . . No...remember sudden destruction was follow. . . Of who?
Babylon the Great., the world empire of false religion. Revelation 16:12; 7:15-18; 18:7, 8, 21 show that "Peoples and crowds and nations and tongues" won't be able to effectively support her. To be able to save her from her sudden demise.
Can you see this happening?
Well check the news media.
Are not religion and religious leaders increasingly under attack?
However, the leaders of Babylon the Great don't feel
any real danger. They feel no threat.
But remember...it is to be sudden. Unexpected.
Following the proclamation of 'Peace and security!' political elements of Satan's system will suddenly turn on false religion and wipe it out. Never will she be seen again! Rev. 18:8, 10.
No more hypocrisy in worship to God!
Worth the wait, right?
But after that things will get difficult for the whole earth. Want to know why....
Come back Wednesday.
Friday, September 11, 2015
What Exactly Are We Waiting For?
Yesterday, the question was raised: What exactly are we waiting for?
For those of you just tuning in, yesterday we discussed the Prophet Micah's anguish or plain disgust with the deteriorating spiritual, in turn physical conditions, of the nation of Israel.
Justice did not exist between friend or brother. But Micah had the attitude that is good for us to imitate ... wait on the God of our salvation. Micah 7:7.
What! You maybe thinking. Hold up.
True...Many don't even recognize a Creator, let alone want to wait on him. But, let's consider the following text:
"Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah's day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying, "Peace and security!" then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape."
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3
Now before preceeding with the meaning of the verses above think about this:
Some live in areas predisposed to disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. However, now-a-days, these may occur in a number of places. If one never lived in an area of this sort, but received warnings of an impending storm, would it not behoove them to give heed to the warnings anyway?
With that thought in mind, consider the scripture. We may be waiting on a cry of Peace and security or we may have already heard it. We do not fully understand prophecy sometimes until after the fact.
But the scripture did mention that immediately after the cry of Peace and security sudden destruction was to "come upon them."
"Them" who? ... And what leads up to that cry? Who makes the cry?
Come back Monday...we will continue.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Does This Sound Familiar?
The time period is between 777-717 B.C.E. And the writer is #Micah, a prophet during the reigns of Kings #Jotham, #Ahaz, and #Hezekiah of the ancient nation of #Israel. He was a #contemporary of the #prophets #Hosea and #Isaiah, but for how long was he a prophet? ... One cannot say for sure.
And why do we care?
Because ... Doesn't he sound like many of us today?
Notice how he #laments his day in the following verses of Micah 7:2-6:
"The loyal one has perished from the earth; among men there is no one upright. All of them lie in ambush for bloodshed. Each hunts his own brother with a dragnet. Their hands are expert at doing what is bad; the prince is making demands, the judge asks for a reward, the prominent one makes known his desires, and they work it out together. Their best one is like thorns, their most upright one is worse than a thorn hedge. The day of your watchmen and of your reckoning will come. Now they will panic. Do not put your faith in your companion or trust a close friend. Guard what you say to the one who lies in your embrace. For a son despises his father, a daughter rises up against her mother, and a daughter-in-law is against her mother-in-law; a man's enemies are the men of his household."
Do not many feel the same repulsion against #injustices today? And isn't the news also regarding harm done to family members by family members?
And why shouldn't people express the same sentiments?
Notice what is foretold for our day:
"But know this, that in the Last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away." 2 Tim. 3:1-5.
Yes, in Micah's day, he saw conditions in Israel deteriorate spiritually until they were appallingly unbearable under King Ahaz's rulership, as the above stated verses in Micah showed.
He said in verse 4:
Their best one is like a brier, their most upright one is worst than a thorn hedge. . . OUCH!
Just as a brier or a thorn hedge injures anyone walking into it, those corrupt Israelite brought harm to anyone with whom they delt. Even family members. . . Sound familiar?
But like Micah, although our hands may be symbolically tied, we can still pray, pour out our utmost anger or anguish to our heavenly Father, Jehovah.
True...we must wait patiently for Him to act, but be assured that his faithful Son, Jesus Christ, is working things out as we speak, so to speak:-)
Micah had #confidence that Jehovah would settle matters in His own time. And although, like Micah, we have to live among selfish people, be assured... the heavenly calvary is coming!
Let's mimic Micah's attitude:
"But as for me, I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah. I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me."
Is that not the most comforting assurance? And does not that raise the question...What exactly are we waiting for?
Check back here tomorrow. . . If you like :-)
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