Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The World A Better Place

The a world A Better Place ...

by Seah Greenhorn
(Poem with copyright)

By ... Religion, politics, community, tolerance, education, intelligence, love transcending racial barriers? Kill arrogance; hatred, be unity-carriers? Sing 'We Are the World' 'til death strangles our lovely merriers?... Eight million interracial strong live moral lives a united throng praying end wickedness, crescendo in song: Better By God's Kingdom - - All Eternity Long!

Friday, April 8, 2016

John Milton's Lost Treatise

John Milton's Lost Treatise
by Seah Greenhorn
(poem with copyright)
John Milton

of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained

Loved my many, and by others distained
propounded the 'Truth'.

London-born bred; well-off too
Masters Degree: Cambridge 1632.

Loved History and Literature.
Lived Politics through a Monarchy restored
with Charles number two
in 1660,

though now his life periled;
went into hiding; writing
A Treatise on Christian Doctrine
complied from the Holy Scriptures


Which, unfortunately,
even 150 years later,
in-sighted controversy
in theological and literary circles

as powerful words against noted traditions
are prone to do.

A bishop
immediately pronounced the manuscript
a fraud after found;

refused to believe England's noted religious poet
would pen against cherished church doctrines.
Obviously, the real writer's mind scrambled eggs; not very sound.

Surely, he'd not reject the Calvinist doctrine of predestination in favor of free-will. Teach: the body and the soul... One... that dies?
Resurrection to both heaven and earth a future prospect? And

the Trinity, not true, according to the Bible instilled?

Milton indeed propounded the truth, though human failings tripped him too:

Divorced, un-scripturally;
though, on-a-whole, Milton presented the Bible's view.

Tried to stick with them whole-souled as in:
On Christian Doctrine.

He obliges its readers to measure their own beliefs against the unerring yardstick of Biblical proof.