Saturday, November 4, 2017

Paradise (first draft)

Paradise (first draft)

The Koran, verse 105 of sura 21, Al-Anbiya’
The Prophets,
declares: “The righteous among My servants
shall inherit the earth.”

Come into possession of
receive especially as a right or divine portion
since given a righteous birth.

Yes, "Jesus said: “Truly I say to you,

no one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news

who will not get 100 times more now in this period of time—houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and fields, with persecutions

and in the coming system of things,

everlasting life." 

With all tension and conflict plaguing mankind today gone. Totally eradicated violence and strife.

For the Bible tells us:
“As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah,
but the earth he has given to the sons of men.” Ps. 115:16

A “God, who cannot lie,
promised long ago.” Titus 1:2
Paradise forever!

Let's envision this show:

"Look, little Kevin!... See?... There!...Your wolf friend seeking for thee.

Run on over and play... while I nap until three."

Since, "The nursing child will play over the lair of a cobra,
And a weaned child will put his hand over the den of a poisonous snake.

They will not cause any harm
Or any ruin in all my holy mountain,

Because the earth
will certainly be filled
with the knowledge of Jehovah".


"At that time the eyes of the blind will be opened,
And the ears of the deaf will be unstopped.

At that time the lame will leap like the deer,"
Or as rabbits hop.

"And the tongue of the speechless will shout for joy.
For waters will burst forth in the wilderness,
And streams in the desert plain."

No more famine. No cholera anymore
for hundreds or thousands of little girls and little boys.

"Heat-parched ground will become a reedy pool,
and the thirsty ground springs of water.

In the lairs where jackals rested,
There will be green grass and reeds and papyrus."

While in cleansed seas and oceans non toxic 
various fish swim in organized schools.

Peoples "will build houses and live in them,

And they will plant vineyards
and eat their fruitage.

They will not build for someone else to inhabit,
Nor will they plant for others to eat."

Paradise on earth promised.
No more homelessness.
A variety of meals shared.

Thankfulness sweet.

"For the days of my people
will be like the days of a tree,

And the work of their hands my chosen ones
will enjoy to the full."

“If anyone does not want to work,
neither let him eat.” 2 Thess. 3:10

"They will not toil for nothing,
Nor will they bear children for distress,

Because they are the offspring made up of those blessed by Jehovah,

And their descendants with them."*

No more to war sacrifice sons and daughters.

A Grand Future for the Earth Promised.

Yes, an end to old age, wickedness
plus vast unhappiness.

*(Isaiah 11:6-9; 35:5-7; 65:21-23)

Saturday, September 9, 2017

'Through His Faith'


you knew,
through Adam and Eve's firsthand account
the recent fulfillment of these words
that we now only read about:

"So he drove the man out,

and he posted
at the east of the garden of Eʹden

the cherubs

and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning continuously to guard the way to the tree of life."

Envy and strife
cut you off prematurely,

although, from “the founding of the world” you sprang.
Though, your name, maybe not as once honored
as one before you--

your brother Cain,
'firstborn' came.

Yet, prized,
you became

for your first demonstration to us
of 'faith' and 'whole-souled devotion'

your sacrifices 
motivated in love

proclaimed. Maybe a century of pastoral existence
you temporarily gained. Since shortened, hatefully, your life.

But, your loyalty and persistence
through your blood spilled to God spoke

and to us after you
thousands of years

of your righteousness still speaks. Betokens a future resurrection hope, in which Cain won't benefit. Yet, for you Paul's spirit directed words in Hebrews 11 firstly bespoke.

Peaked our thoughts of how you did reach
God's approval, though parental example did not inspire.


"Not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one"... whose "own works were wicked" did you conspire.

"By faith"
you "Abel
offered God a sacrifice of greater worth than that of Cain,

and through that faith," you "received the witness that" you were "righteous, for God approved"
your "gifts".


"And although he died, he still speaks
through his faith."

As he saw faithful cherubs guarding the way back to the 'tree of life' steadfastly, he in awe

As he meditated of his beautiful parents disobedience and exodus from paradise and their imperfect fall; although a prophecy of a future healing, him, may have enthralled

As he marveled at his Creator's creations: marvelous mountains, luscious valleys, cascading waterfalls, animals lovely flittering or lounging, roaring,... all

His sterling values tabled before us an example of meekness divine
cultivated and nurtured


refined fare

to lengthen our days to 'eternity'
with family to care

if not maintained
our sinfulness contained
in bodies and minds crippled
by iniquity

since confined
us steeped deeply in an environment dark


like these mentioned

"We grope for the wall like blind men;
Like those without eyes we keep groping.

We stumble at high noon as in evening darkness;
Among the strong we are just like the dead."

you Abel,
have shown us how to:

"Seek God,

if they might grope for him
and really find him,

although, in fact,
he is not far off from each one of us."

Thank you

for your model of enduring

"although he died, he still speaks

through his faith."

We visualize the possibility
of an individual 'me'

partnered with an endless
perfect life


Monday, May 22, 2017

Mount Hermon's Dew

Refreshing like dew

not stingily,

more than a few drops
to sparkle, glisten

under glowing moons

in droplets plenteous

as "the dew of Herʹmon
that descends on the mountains of Zion.

(preserving vegetation, thus life,
during rainless

long seasons.

Soothing away doubts
with elevated logic,

That is where Jehovah decreed
his blessing—Life everlasting."

Refreshing like dew

then evaporating
when rises the sun;

drips again spun
the progress lovely

again and again
begun until saturated.

Refreshing like dew

to more than a few

for a new day

since dried out is the field
on which many lay weary, battered, famished or slain.
With works arduous forgotten. Blood congealed

without smattering rains.

Deserts dangerously provoking mirages
on depleted plains. Distorted visions to divert
to death, unless

refreshed by dew

copious to renew
enlighten one's brain.

Refreshing like dew
copious His "word is truth."

Yet,is it for you?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Earth Reclaimed


by Lucretia Mccloud aka Seah Greenhorn
(poem with copyright)


of a Golden Age
or Blessed Era
of Sinlessness


among Egyptians, Mexicans, Peruvians, and Tibetans too.

They also spoke of tragedy:

A Fall Into Sin

where deep darkness begins
to drive the Light of Righteous
to flicker

and die

growing nations
feeding no hungry

to try to rekindle
a worthy fire
or zeal

for cultivating

Gardens of fruitages


like posies
of meekness and peace
and roses of
simply kind.

Though distorted
yes... embellished, these stories grew
yet many common threads weave harmoniously through

verifying, not coincidence,
but 'Truth.'

Were world accounts tied to historical events?

Indeed, does not an image

mirroring Genesis's
of mankind's descent

lacking the mystery
and vagueness of fantasy;
but embedded with specifics
which validate authenticity

heaven sent?

Over time
prophecy revealed
this message of hope
multitudes of meek
to thrill.

This Light

travelled up a mountainous hill
lighting the way back
to man's beginning--

with families taught
God's will and purpose

where dangerous were naught.

His Son spoke of Blessings
future fulfilled:

Meek to inherit
and spiritually hungry

under a Kingdom established
to finish Father's will:

"Be fruitful and become many,"

Yes... "fill
the earth." With future
Son's of God

with Christ to reign,

since only these
and not angels
can understand

mankind's now suffering
and pain in all our land.

Yes, a victory over Death
the struggling righteous
will gain.


Harmony between
heaven and earth



Monday, January 23, 2017

Progression of Commuciation ... Act I Scene I & II (first draft)


Progression of Commuciation ... Act I Scene I & II (first draft)

Narrator: Two young Roman soldiers converse during sword play about their prestious steps to reach esteemed levels; speaking of current events and their superiors' valor, his heroic presence, familial duties, his gifts of mercy and Godly endeavors. While in the shadows Cornelius listened, appreciating statewide updates about the Jews inciting his further supplications.

The clash of blades

Soldier One: "Ha!" as soldier two pushes back.

"So you think you can imitate the stature of our Cornelius in his elevated state?

Do you, with your deep breaths think you have what it takes?"

Soldier Two: Thrush forward in a counterattack

"Here, you fellow, brat... take that! You think you can follow a centurion's track?

You can display such courage and skill to complete the conquest after climbing the hill?"

Both winded in their vigorous display seated themselves on the ground under Cornelius' open window displaying their ardous play.

Soldier One: "Hey!... Had you heard of the latest relay of Simon the Great of Samaria's antics today? Heard he converted to Christianity's way. What made him give up his magician's sway?"

Solder Two: "Yes! Amazing. Their growth and their stay despite the hatred expressed against them though meek in their conduct and loyal to their Lord in the midst of a fray.

What honor they carry as hurriedly they flee. Would I be quick to show such a great degree of integrity?"

Soldier One: "Surely you would if you believed as they do! Look at the effort you exerted in swordplay because of the example of centurion men who never delay.

To lead; held personally responsible for training and discipline of the legionaries under your command. Man, it is a privilege to you work hand-in-hand.

In time you will be as Cornelius. A well-loved fellow in demand. Unlike 'Cedo Alteram' - 'Fetch Me Another' who abused anytime he could. Anyone to be dammed."

Soldier Two: "Yes, I remember. Given the nickname 'Cedo Alteram', because when he had broken one vine-stick across a soldier's back, he would call in a loud voice for another... and another. They killed him in an attack."

As they continued to expound, Cornelius pondered over Simon's change as he stared out to sea. Thinking of his prayers to God and how to proceed. Supplication for himself, his friends and his family.

Then, about the ninth hour of the day, he saw plainly in a vision an angel of God come in to him and say:


Cornelius stared at him, terrified, and asked:

“What is it, Lord?”

He said to him:

“Your prayers and gifts of mercy have ascended as a remembrance before God. So now send men to Jopʹpa and summon a man named Simon who is called Peter. This man is staying as a guest with Simon, a tanner who has a house by the sea.”

As soon as the angel who spoke to him left, he called two of his servants and a devout soldier from among those who were his attendants, and he related everything to them and sent them to Jopʹpa.

Act I Scene II: Rooftop. Twelve noon. Apostle Peter, hungry, waits to eat. Falls into a trance, as the heavens open to a large tray descending on a sheet let down by its four corners containing pork from pig, including it's feet and other split-hoofed delicacies; gentile treats.

A deep male voice from beyond the stage says:

"Get up, Peter, slaughter and eat!"

Peter, still stationary, with eyes raised replies:

"Not at all, Lord, because I have never eaten anything defiled and unclean."

The voice replies:

"Stop calling defiled the things God has cleansed."

Again Peter replies:

"Not at all, Lord, because I have never eaten anything defiled and unclean."

One last time the Voice replies as the vessel floating on the linen sheet immediately begins to rise.

Peter perplexed still pondering over what the vision purports to be a spirit voice advices him; it said:

“Look! Three men are asking for you. So get up, go downstairs and go with them, not doubting at all, because I have sent them.”

This is what Peter proceeds to do.


The three men arrive, sent by Cornelius to appeal at the gate calling out for someone to participate:

"Is Simon, who is also called Peter a guest here?"

A servant confirms he was as Peter obediently went downstairs to the men; appears:

“Here I am, the one you are looking for. Why are you here?”

The devoted officer heart-warmly said:

“Cornelius, an army officer, a righteous and God-fearing man who is well-reported-on by the whole nation of the Jews, was given divine instructions by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and to hear what you have to say.”

So Peter heard and invited them in. Had them stay as his guests. And they exit the stage.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Progression of Communication ... Part I ... Narrator

Progression of Communication

by Lucretia Mccloud aka Seah Greenhorn
(poem/story with copyright)

As mankind dives into its darkest depth
as found on the ocean's bottom

shrouded in blackness sound

(a situation foretold, but not decreed
by "the Happy God"

from whom we're birthed
from dust to seed a multitude of progeny)

"The Source of Light"

upon humanity shines His light
so any who wish "can see light."

Forego the darkness
of which many blind tragically delight.

This Light that beckons by rays brilliant and bright
inhabits a book which many burned attached to flesh

to instill fright.


the world can read
what Our Creator wants us to heed.

Let us proceed:

"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,

and the Word was a god.

This one was in the beginning with God.

All things came into existence through him,
and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.

What has come into existence
by means of him was life,

and the life was the light of men.

And the light is shining in the darkness,
but the darkness has not overpowered it."

"He was in the world,
and the world came into existence through him,

but the world did not know him."


of whom God said
most likely in the 'tongue of angels':

“Let us make man in our image,
according to our likeness,"

this "Word became flesh and resided among us,
and we had a view of his glory,

a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son
from a father;

and he was full of divine favor and truth."


Let us for now look in on the time period of 36 C.E., three years after Jesus' death.

The purpose: To demonstrate that not only 'Jews' chose to follow the Christ, the one initially called "The Word."

We will focus on an ancient army officer in command of 100 soldiers of the Italian band. Stationed at Caesarea, he had his own house. His Roman name suggests that he may have belonged to a noble family in the imperial city. He was “a devout man” who “made many gifts of mercy to the people and made supplication to God continually,” “a man righteous and fearing God and well reported by the whole nation of the Jews.” It was to this man that an angel appeared in a vision in the fall of 36 C.E., saying: “Your prayers and gifts of mercy have ascended as a remembrance before God.” The angel also told Cornelius to send to Joppa for Peter.