Saturday, September 9, 2017

'Through His Faith'


you knew,
through Adam and Eve's firsthand account
the recent fulfillment of these words
that we now only read about:

"So he drove the man out,

and he posted
at the east of the garden of Eʹden

the cherubs

and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning continuously to guard the way to the tree of life."

Envy and strife
cut you off prematurely,

although, from “the founding of the world” you sprang.
Though, your name, maybe not as once honored
as one before you--

your brother Cain,
'firstborn' came.

Yet, prized,
you became

for your first demonstration to us
of 'faith' and 'whole-souled devotion'

your sacrifices 
motivated in love

proclaimed. Maybe a century of pastoral existence
you temporarily gained. Since shortened, hatefully, your life.

But, your loyalty and persistence
through your blood spilled to God spoke

and to us after you
thousands of years

of your righteousness still speaks. Betokens a future resurrection hope, in which Cain won't benefit. Yet, for you Paul's spirit directed words in Hebrews 11 firstly bespoke.

Peaked our thoughts of how you did reach
God's approval, though parental example did not inspire.


"Not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one"... whose "own works were wicked" did you conspire.

"By faith"
you "Abel
offered God a sacrifice of greater worth than that of Cain,

and through that faith," you "received the witness that" you were "righteous, for God approved"
your "gifts".


"And although he died, he still speaks
through his faith."

As he saw faithful cherubs guarding the way back to the 'tree of life' steadfastly, he in awe

As he meditated of his beautiful parents disobedience and exodus from paradise and their imperfect fall; although a prophecy of a future healing, him, may have enthralled

As he marveled at his Creator's creations: marvelous mountains, luscious valleys, cascading waterfalls, animals lovely flittering or lounging, roaring,... all

His sterling values tabled before us an example of meekness divine
cultivated and nurtured


refined fare

to lengthen our days to 'eternity'
with family to care

if not maintained
our sinfulness contained
in bodies and minds crippled
by iniquity

since confined
us steeped deeply in an environment dark


like these mentioned

"We grope for the wall like blind men;
Like those without eyes we keep groping.

We stumble at high noon as in evening darkness;
Among the strong we are just like the dead."

you Abel,
have shown us how to:

"Seek God,

if they might grope for him
and really find him,

although, in fact,
he is not far off from each one of us."

Thank you

for your model of enduring

"although he died, he still speaks

through his faith."

We visualize the possibility
of an individual 'me'

partnered with an endless
perfect life
