Monday, September 14, 2015

World Peace...When

Hi...if you are back with us from Friday, it's to continue discussing the cry of "Peace and security!" mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3.

If we are not to be caught off guard by this declaration, we need to "stay awake and keep our senses, " as verse 6 of the same chapter states. To help us be awake and then to stay awake we should understand what leads up to this noteworthy proclamation.

Okay, we are aware of the world's strong desire for peace in the wake of World War I and II.

That is why the League of Nations was first formed, to establish peace worldwide, but then World War II showed that it was not capable of attaining this desired peace. Thus the reason for the United Nations. Government and religious leaders have looked to both those agencies to bring peace to mankind.

Take for example. . . 1986.

Wasn't that year designated the International Year of Peace?

Many gathered to offer prayers for peace. . .Was that the cry of 1 Thessalonians? . . . No...remember sudden destruction was follow. . . Of who?

Babylon the Great., the world empire of false religion. Revelation 16:12; 7:15-18; 18:7, 8, 21 show that "Peoples and crowds and nations and tongues" won't be able to effectively support her. To be able to save her from her sudden demise.

Can you see this happening? 

Well check the news media.

Are not religion and religious leaders increasingly under attack?

However, the leaders of Babylon the Great don't feel
any real danger. They feel no threat.

But is to be sudden. Unexpected. 

Following the proclamation of 'Peace and security!' political elements of Satan's system will suddenly turn on false religion and wipe it out. Never will she be seen again! Rev. 18:8, 10.

No more hypocrisy in worship to God!

Worth the wait, right?

But after that things will get difficult for the whole earth. Want to know why....

Come back Wednesday.

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