Sunday, July 19, 2015

Should We Allow The World To Mold Us?

Should We Allow The World To Mold Us?

What do you think about this question?

Many would say why not? ... Whereas others may already be aware of the dangers in doing this.

So, instead of continuing with the blogs about the Edenic Promise and Why God Chose One Nation Over Others, today let's temporarily divert.

The reason?

Read a Bible commentary today and so enjoyed the topic, thought I'd share. Especially because many find it difficult not to follow the crowd.

It may start in the family. The more dominant or vocal member drowns out any of the others until they are flooded out mentally and emotionally.  So then they bob, non-to-merrily, along.

They figure why fight it?

Then, in school the same thing happens. After that the workplace. And it has been happening for centuries.

So again you may ask: why fight it?

Every answer is personal. I would just like to share something I've learned.

That is this:

That prophecies in the Bible regarding the end usually have two fulfillments. The first, because of Israel's rejecting and eventual killing of God's Son, Jesus foretold the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.

Why Jesus said in Matthew 23:37-39:

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent to her--how often I wanted to gather your children together the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings! But you did not want it. Look! Your house is abandoned to you. For I say to you, you will by no means see me from now until you say, 'Blessed is the one who comes in Jehovah's name!"

The Disciples were not told the date of this destruction. But they were given a sign about when to flee Jerusalem.  Many Jews saw that sign four years before the end.

The Roman armies surrounded the city, then amazingly withdrew without any apparent explanation, allowing all believers to exit quickly. Their faith further tested in their living/waiting for this to happen in the mountains without their creature comforts. Some eased back into the city and were caught in its demise.

Further details of this are found in The War of the Jewish by Flavius Josephus.

(However, there is no evidence that he--Josephus, was himself a Christian, or even that he was familiar with Jesus' prophecies.)

And the Second fulfillment is in regards to Our Day.

We are admonished:

"Be transformed by making your mind over." Romans 12:2.

What does that mean?

Here is what the commentary stated:

"The "mind" relates to our thinking faculties. But as used in the Bible, it includes our mental inclination, attitude, and power of reason. Earlier in his letter to the Romans, Paul described people who reflected a "disapproved mental state."

Such ones were given to "unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit," and other hurtful things. Romans 1:28-31.

Sadly, we are surrounded by people in the world who fit Paul's description. For us not to be fashioned, or molded, by the world any longer, we need to make an honest appraisal of our innermost attitudes and feelings, our goals, and our values.

Such things may be hidden from public view. Others may tell us that we are doing well. Yet, we alone know if we really have allowed what we have learned from the Bible to transform us in these critical areas. James 1:23-25."

Although this quote was not written for the world in general, I felt that some of you may enjoy this reminder that just like in Jesus' day, Jehovah has a time frame in mind. The final end was not prophecied for Jesus' day. Jehovah has given humankind an additional 2,000 years to demonstrate their ability to rule themselves, really under Satan's direction.

How are they doing?

Do you think that anyone can rule better than Jesus, under Jehovah's direction when they have sacrificed so much already in our behalf?

And when he lovingly choses humans--starting with his disciples, to rule with him, because they that can relate to us better than angels, does this not show us their further concern for our future development? Rev. 5:9, 10; 7:4.

Can anyone show greater love for us than they have? 

So, when Our Creator says that he will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth" should we not be happy and try to comply with his standards for the new earth? Revelation 11:18; 2 Peter 3:13.

Is this not something worth considering?

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