Monday, July 20, 2015

Why God Chose One Nation Over Another

So, back to Eden and the Edenic promise.

Wasn't ìt awesome how Our Creator showed his immense love for us as future offspring of the now imperfect Adam by making provisions for our salvation immediately? ... Gen. 3:15.

And ... the Messianic Kingdom with Christ Jesus as its established King would be/is solidly based on God's righteous standards. Ps. 89:14.

Are these not reasons enough to find out more about this kingdom government?

Okay, then let's continue.

If you ever wondered why God chose one nation over another here is the Biblical reason why.

2,000 years after passing sentence on Satan, Jehovah commanded the patriarch Abraham to leave Ur, his hometown in Mesopotamia to go the land of Canaan. Acts 7:2, 3. Jehovah said to him:

"Go out from your land and away from your relatives and from the house of your father to the land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, and you will become a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who calls down evil on you, and all the families of the ground will certainly be blessed by means of you." Gen. 12:1-3.

Sounds familiar? 

This is the earliest recorded account of the Abrahamic covenant--the covenant that Jehovah made with Abraham. We don't know exactly when this covenant was first made known to Abraham. But we do know that it went into effect in 1943 B.C.E., when Abraham left Haran and crosses the Euphrates River ... at the age of 75 years!

Now, how many of us think that we want to relocate from all that we know based upon a promise that seems a bit unbelievable? ... To live in tents! ... And when was this to take place? ... He was already getting up in years.

Were those his thoughts?

Well ... Jehovah restated his promise to Abraham many times, adding further details. Gen. 13:15-17; 17:1-8, 16.

So Jehovah was considerate even if Abraham didn't voice his concerns. Although, maybe Sarah did. Or maybe not. . . Maybe you can ask them when they are resurrected back to earth.

Imagine them finally getting a chance to literally see the fulfillment of that covenant. Not just through the eyes of faith. Their faith will be realized right before their eyes...all nations serving Jehovah unitedly on a cleansed earth. Ps. 37:10, 11, 29; Rev. 21:3, 4.

Sorry, where was I ...

That's right ... Abraham showed a willingness to offer up his only son--as a foregleam of Jehovah's willingness to offer up his only-begotten Jesus in our behalf ... so the deal was sealed!

Jehovah reinforced the covenant with an unconditional promise stated in Genesis 22:15-18; Hebrews 11:17, 18.

After the covenant went into effect, Jehovah gradually revealed important details about the offspring of the woman: It would descend from Abraham, would be many in number,  would have a kingly function, would destroy all enemies, and would be a blessing for many others.

So you understand why the Jews were chosen over other nations?

Abraham, God's faithful friend, with whom he made a covenant was a Jew. And Jehovah is loyal to his friends. So the Jewish nation, for awhile because of him, held a special position with God.

But remember, all nations would be blessed by means of Abraham's seed.

And before we move on from this covenant, ...

While the Abrahamic covenant had a literal fulfillment for the descendents of Abraham when they inherited the Promised Land, the Scriptures show that there also was a spiritual fulfillment.

This affects us even today.

Shall we discuss that tomorrow?

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